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Along with his Confessions, The City of God is undoubtedly St. Augustine’s most influential work. In the context of what begins as a lengthy critique of classic Roman religion and a defense of Christianity, Augustine touches upon numerous topics, including the role of grace, the original state of humanity, the possibility of waging a just war, the ideal form of government, and the nature of...

third sort of goods, called extrinsic goods, such as honor, glory, money, and the like, did not introduce them as final goods, that is, as goods to be sought for their own sake, but rather as goods to be sought for the sake of something else; and this sort of good, they maintained, is good for good men, but evil for evil men.38 Thus, whether they looked for the human good from the soul or from the body or from both together, they still presumed that it should only be looked for from man himself.
Volume 6, Page 252